How to buy Celestia in United States (US) TIA
Where and how you can buy Celestia.
We’ve included detailed instructions to make it easier for you to buy Celestia.
Some market stats about Celestia in United States.
This includes price analysis of Celestia and other research opportunities you may be interested in.
Other crypto similar to Celestia.
And how to buy other crypto assets in United States.
What you’ll learn about Celestia
Price of Celestia (24H)
Check CoinMarketCap to see where you can buy Celestia and with which currencies
For each cryptocurrency, CoinMarketCap provides a list of purchasing options (also known as market pairs). Go to CoinMarketCap and search for Celestia. Tap on the button labeled “Market” near the price chart. In this view, you will see a complete list of places you can purchase Celestia as well as the currencies you can use to obtain it. Under “Pairs” you'll see the shorthand for Celestia, TIA, plus a second currency. The second currency is what you can use to purchase Celestia. If you'd like to purchase TIA with the U.S. Dollar, look for TIA/USD.
Pick a platform to make your purchase
Different platforms have different levels of security, reliability, and liquidity. Before creating an account, do your research.
Make the purchase on your chosen platform
Every platform has a different way of doing things. Some platforms are very easy to use, others not so much.
Generally speaking, purchasing crypto with a fiat currency like the U.S. Dollar will be easier than purchasing it with another crypto.
If you do have to purchase Celestia with another crypto, you’ll need to first create a crypto wallet that supports Celestia, then you’ll buy the first currency and use it to buy Celestia on the platform you chose.
If you get stuck, most platforms provide guides. But if they don’t, there is a vibrant community of crypto enthusiasts that have likely posted guides on Youtube, Twitter, and elsewhere.
Keep an eye on Celestia
Celestia is on the decline this week.
The current price is $4.77 per TIA with a 24-hour trading volume of $94.95M. The price of Celestia has decreased by 0.17% in the last hour and decreased by 2.77% in the past 24 hours. Celestia’s price has also fallen by 6.92% in the past week. Currently, Celestia is valued at 77.26% below its all time high of $20.96. This all-time high was the highest price paid for Celestia since its launch. The current circulating supply of Celestia is 499,807,703.393 TIA which means that Celestia has as total market cap of 499,807,703.393.
499.8M TIA
Keep an eye on Celestia
How to buy other crypto assets in United States
There are lots of ways to buy, swap, and convert crypto. Learn more about how you can do it all using Coinbase with our how to buy crypto guide.
Convert other assets to USD
Hedera to USD
1 HBAR = $0.33
NEAR Protocol to USD
1 NEAR = $5.14
Aptos to USD
1 APT = $8.53
Injective to USD
1 INJ = $21.52
Stellar Lumens to USD
1 XLM = $0.43
vechain to USD
1 VET = $0.0478
1 OKB = $56.66
Lido DAO Token to USD
1 LDO = $1.88
Bitcoin BEP2 to USD
1 BTCB = $103,745.07
First Digital USD to USD
1 FDUSD = $1.00
Arbitrum to USD
1 ARB = $0.70
Mantle to USD
1 MNT = $1.13
Discover more assets
A selection of other relevant cryptocurrencies
Can I buy Celestia on Coinbase?
No, Celestia is not currently available through Coinbase, but you can sign up to get the latest news on Celestia and be notified when it is available.
How much does it cost to buy Celestia?
Right now, it costs about $4.77 to buy of 1 Celestia.
Can I buy Celestia with cash?
No, you cannot buy Celestia with cash because it is not supported across Coinbase ecosystem.
How to buy Celestia using PayPal?
Currently, Celestia is not supported across Coinbase's ecosystem regardless of payment system, including PayPal.
How to buy Celestia with a gift card?
Currently, Celestia is not supported across Coinbase's ecosystem regardless of payment system, including gift cards.
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*Prices shown are for illustrative purposes only. Actual cryptocurrency prices may vary.
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